Casper Prices

The following table provides the daily exchange rate prices for the ETA, per ETA policy. ETA pays all current payables each Friday based upon the Thursday Settlement Price for EUR/CSPR. All other columns are informational only.

Spot prices for EURUSD and CSPR are calculated as the daily (full day) (Open + High + Low + Close) / 4.

The Settlement Prices are calculated as the 7 day Volume Weighted Moving Average of the Spot Price.

Budget Prices are calculated as the 21 day Volume Weighted Moving Average of the Spot Price less 1.8 times the 21 day standard deviation of the Spot Price. Budget prices are used to calculate the remaining value of the ETA treasuries to ensure the Association doesn't over commit itself in grant giving.

The red highlighted rows in the table below are the prices for each Thursday of the week. These are the prices used by the ETA for calculating Casper amounts for payment on the respective following Fridays.

Date Average Spot Price ($) ETA Settlement Price ($) ETA Budget Price ($) EUR/USD FX Average Rate Average Spot Price (€) ETA Settlement Price (€) ETA Budget Price (€)
2022-04-25 $0.07310 $0.07640 $0.07114 1.08112 €0.06761 €0.07067 €0.06580
2022-04-24 $0.07580 $0.07693 $0.07149 1.07994 €0.07019 €0.07124 €0.06620
2022-04-23 $0.07660 $0.07716 $0.07225 1.07955 €0.07096 €0.07147 €0.06693
2022-04-22 $0.07720 $0.07730 $0.07308 1.08348 €0.07125 €0.07134 €0.06745
2022-04-21 $0.07740 $0.07734 $0.07509 1.08498 €0.07134 €0.07128 €0.06921
2022-04-20 $0.07750 $0.07764 $0.07521 1.07944 €0.07180 €0.07193 €0.06968
2022-04-19 $0.07780 $0.07785 $0.07523 1.07817 €0.07216 €0.07221 €0.06978
2022-04-18 $0.07570 $0.07755 $0.07510 1.08144 €0.07000 €0.07171 €0.06944
2022-04-17 $0.07790 $0.07775 $0.07505 1.08126 €0.07205 €0.07191 €0.06941
2022-04-16 $0.07800 $0.07831 $0.07471 1.08124 €0.07214 €0.07243 €0.06910
2022-04-15 $0.07750 $0.07859 $0.07412 1.08213 €0.07162 €0.07263 €0.06849
2022-04-14 $0.07930 $0.07917 $0.07357 1.08960 €0.07278 €0.07266 €0.06752
2022-04-13 $0.07900 $0.07996 $0.07290 1.08264 €0.07297 €0.07386 €0.06734
2022-04-12 $0.07600 $0.08149 $0.07205 1.08778 €0.06987 €0.07491 €0.06624
2022-04-11 $0.07710 $0.08402 $0.07139 1.08859 €0.07083 €0.07718 €0.06558
2022-04-10 $0.08150 $0.08743 $0.07081 1.08759 €0.07494 €0.08039 €0.06511
2022-04-09 $0.08000 $0.09003 $0.06940 1.08691 €0.07360 €0.08283 €0.06385
2022-04-08 $0.08120 $0.09239 $0.06869 1.08646 €0.07474 €0.08504 €0.06322
2022-04-07 $0.08370 $0.09410 $0.06648 1.08981 €0.07680 €0.08635 €0.06100
2022-04-06 $0.08590 $0.09346 $0.06518 1.09067 €0.07876 €0.08569 €0.05976
2022-04-05 $0.09270 $0.09340 $0.06334 1.09750 €0.08446 €0.08510 €0.05771
2022-04-04 $0.09600 $0.09271 $0.06197 1.10443 €0.08692 €0.08394 €0.05611
2022-04-03 $0.09570 $0.09127 $0.06121 1.10485 €0.08662 €0.08261 €0.05540
2022-04-02 $0.09710 $0.08989 $0.06071 1.10443 €0.08792 €0.08139 €0.05497
2022-04-01 $0.09520 $0.08770 $0.06082 1.10733 €0.08597 €0.07920 €0.05493
2022-03-31 $0.08510 $0.07958 $0.05882 1.11613 €0.07625 €0.07130 €0.05270
2022-03-30 $0.08000 $0.07687 $0.05857 1.10925 €0.07212 €0.06930 €0.05280
2022-03-29 $0.07860 $0.07584 $0.05847 1.09918 €0.07151 €0.06900 €0.05319
2022-03-28 $0.07920 $0.07492 $0.05853 1.09830 €0.07211 €0.06821 €0.05329
2022-03-27 $0.07600 $0.07352 $0.05872 1.09666 €0.06930 €0.06704 €0.05354
2022-03-26 $0.07360 $0.07399 $0.05899 1.09893 €0.06697 €0.06733 €0.05368
2022-03-25 $0.07530 $0.07494 $0.05912 1.10093 €0.06840 €0.06807 €0.05370
2022-03-24 $0.07350 $0.07468 $0.05926 1.10060 €0.06678 €0.06785 €0.05384
2022-03-23 $0.07300 $0.07430 $0.05929 1.10270 €0.06620 €0.06738 €0.05377
2022-03-22 $0.07160 $0.07371 $0.05926 1.10167 €0.06499 €0.06691 €0.05379
2022-03-21 $0.07170 $0.07327 $0.05913 1.10426 €0.06493 €0.06635 €0.05355
2022-03-20 $0.07520 $0.07287 $0.05914 1.10666 €0.06795 €0.06585 €0.05344
2022-03-19 $0.07750 $0.07186 $0.05884 1.10721 €0.07000 €0.06490 €0.05314
2022-03-18 $0.07440 $0.07002 $0.05835 1.10985 €0.06704 €0.06309 €0.05257
2022-03-17 $0.06600 $0.06078 $0.05595 1.10221 €0.05988 €0.05514 €0.05076
2022-03-16 $0.06080 $0.05999 $0.05622 1.09687 €0.05543 €0.05469 €0.05125
2022-03-15 $0.05800 $0.06064 $0.05675 1.09448 €0.05299 €0.05541 €0.05185
2022-03-14 $0.05760 $0.06149 $0.05787 1.09352 €0.05267 €0.05623 €0.05292
2022-03-13 $0.05810 $0.06258 $0.05900 1.09116 €0.05325 €0.05735 €0.05407
2022-03-12 $0.05990 $0.06366 $0.05975 1.09096 €0.05491 €0.05835 €0.05477
2022-03-11 $0.06100 $0.06463 $0.06031 1.10134 €0.05539 €0.05868 €0.05476
2022-03-10 $0.06330 $0.06612 $0.06119 1.10728 €0.05717 €0.05971 €0.05526
2022-03-09 $0.06360 $0.06753 $0.06192 1.08967 €0.05837 €0.06197 €0.05682
2022-03-08 $0.06360 $0.06984 $0.06248 1.08651 €0.05854 €0.06428 €0.05751
2022-03-07 $0.06560 $0.07167 $0.06350 1.08708 €0.06035 €0.06593 €0.05841
1 14 15 16 17 18 21